Arts Thread

Ailiya Zehra
Architecture BArch

University of Karachi

Specialisms: Architecture / Drawing / Interior Architecture

Location: Karachi, Pakistan

ailiya-zehra ArtsThread Profile
University of Karachi

Ailiya Zehra

Ailiya Zehra ArtsThread Profile

First Name: Ailiya

Last Name: Zehra

Specialisms: Architecture / Drawing / Interior Architecture

Sectors: Product / Architecture / Interiors / Product / Architecture / Interiors

My Location: Karachi, Pakistan

University / College: University of Karachi

Course / Program Title: Architecture BArch


A creative, curious and highly motivated young architect with great interest in socially responsive architecture.

Alleviating maternal suffering through built environment

A Thari woman is supposed to tend to multiple tasks but most importantly, she is responsible for fetching water daily from a distant source while walking kilometers under the sun on rough pathways without any tree or retreat on the way to water. Despite being a strenuous task, water collection also serves as an opportunity for the women of Tharparkar to come out of their houses to connect, bond and socialize. The duty of fetching water becomes a uniting force. The facility is strategically designed on an existing route followed by the women to get to the lake and visit temple. Use of local and easily available materials will result in a humble design, maintaining familiarity with the surroundings while providing a comfortable environment for women. The facility is enveloped by agricultural zone on the east with half-moon irrigation techniques. The depressions in the land accumulate rainwater to keep the land fertile for longer period of time. Plants like Moringa, Bair (Jujube) and Lemon are used that thrive in the arid climate of Tharparkar and are beneficial for the health of women and children. Water storage and collection is simplified through Venetian well techniques. The slopes lead rainwater towards the well, and before collecting in the tank, the water filters through layers of sand and gravel. Electricity for the Functional programs is sourced from the sustainable vertical wind turbines made of bamboos and Ralli, a locally hand stitched fabric by the women of Thar.