Arts Thread

India macpherson
Industrial Design BA Hons

MADA Monash University

Specialisms: Service Design / Design for Social Good / Design Research

Location: Melbourne, Australia

india-macpherson ArtsThread Profile
MADA Monash University

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India macpherson

India macpherson ArtsThread Profile

First Name: India

Last Name: macpherson

Specialisms: Service Design / Design for Social Good / Design Research


My Location: Melbourne, Australia

University / College: MADA Monash University

Course / Program Title: Industrial Design BA Hons


A passionate graduate industrial designer with a strong focus on Medtech and sustainable design. Currently serving as a junior designer and research assistant at Monash Health Design Collab working on projects across all stages. Alongside her research and design work India works as a Teaching Associate at Monash University for 3rd year Industrial design teaching Design for sustainability. Prior experience as a Technical Assistant in a digital fabrication workshop, has allowed India to gained valuable expertise in all things additive manufacture, and digital fabrication. India’s interests include material exploration, rapid prototyping, co-design, additive manufacturing, research through design, open source and sustainable design. 

This project began in response to the question, 'How can open source design best support our mental health system?'. The period of time after leaving psychiatric inpatient care has been found to be the time of greatest risk for adverse outcomes. This product was conceptually driven through empowering patients. Transition Toolkit addresses this critical challenge by reinforcing efforts to encourage early discharge planning, while minimising stigma and fears related to returning home. In co-designing with a clinician all decisions around the final outcome were kept industry informed. This open-source system offers a customisable framework, spanning two workshops involving stickers, printed cards, and 3D printable characters. The innovative approach enhances patient engagement and seamlessly integrates into clinicians' practice, while meeting individual patient needs, and aligning with existing hospital protocols. The established theory that involvement in the making process of creating tools that are customisable to a patient's own needs can be critical to successful outcomes for that patient. Hence an added benefit of an open-source approach is that it allows customisation, seamless integration into existing protocols, and collaboration for continuous improvement.