MADA Monash University
Specialisms: Fine Art / Painting / Contemporary Craft
Location: Melbourne, Australia
First Name: Laura
Last Name: Cadart
Specialisms: Fine Art / Painting / Contemporary Craft
My Location: Melbourne, Australia
University / College: MADA Monash University
Course / Program Title: Fine Art MFA
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'Where You Were, Where You're Not' is a series of artworks capturing the foreboding of death, and the aftermath; all within one year. It is a set of warped, surrealist self-portraits and interior landscapes. The paintings mirroring the feeling of watching, and eventually losing a loved one to cancer. Utilising a simple yet unsettling colour scheme, the imagery intends to provide sterile and sickly undertones. This exhibition follows a twenty-year-old's journey discovering and navigating identity, grief and eventually, a support system. Ending with a series of painted vessels that were broken and reassembled. "Nothing could have prepared me for the moment she told me she was really sick. I have since learnt that time stops for no one. Az élet anyád nélkül olyan mint a sötét éjszaka, ahol a csillagfény hiányzik.” – Laura. Journal: